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Raindrops On Lavender Roses Mixed Media by Carol Cavalaris

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Comments (76)

Megan Walsh

Megan Walsh

Absolutely gorgeous Carol :) fl

Lori Deiter

Lori Deiter

Simply gorgeous and beautiful colors!

Carol Cavalaris

Carol Cavalaris

Thank you for your mask purchase, Collector from MA My profit will be donated to the local food bank.:o) Carol

Christina Ford

Christina Ford


Carol Cavalaris replied:

Thanks so much, Christina.

Christopher James

Christopher James

One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 views Groups nominated images by your fellow artist in the Special Features #14 promotion discussion. Please visit and pass on the love to another artist.....L/F/Tw

Carol Cavalaris replied:

Christopher, thanks for the feature in your group, and thanks to my fellow artist for the nomination.

Nicklas Gustafsson

Nicklas Gustafsson

What an amazing picture! I'm nominating this one for a special Feature in the 1000 Views group.

Carol Cavalaris replied:

Nicklas, thanks so much for nominating this artwork.

Jouko Lehto

Jouko Lehto

Wonderful colors and composition! My POD for the 1000 Views group. L/F

Carol Cavalaris replied:

Jouko, thanks so much!

Constance Lowery

Constance Lowery

this is very beautiful. L/F

Carol Cavalaris replied:

So glad you like this, Constance.

Beverly Guilliams

Beverly Guilliams

Fantastic Art Piece, Carol......Nominating this into the 1000 Views, Group Special....v./f./ tweet

Carol Cavalaris replied:

Beverly, thanks for your lovely comment and nomination.

Alana Thrower

Alana Thrower

Wow! Very beautiful! Love the color! Nominating in the 1000 Views group! l/f/t/p/fb

Carol Cavalaris replied:

Alana thanks so much.

Christopher James

Christopher James

Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group l/f/p

Carol Cavalaris

Carol Cavalaris

Thank you for your mask purchase, Collector in OR. My profit will be donated to the food bank. :)Carol

Carol Cavalaris

Carol Cavalaris

Thank you for your mask purchase, Collector from CA. My royalty will be donated to the local food bank. :)Carol

Carol Cavalaris

Carol Cavalaris

Thank you for your purchase, Collector from CA. :)Carol

Angela Whitehouse

Angela Whitehouse


Carol Cavalaris replied:

Thanks so much.

Jana Parkes

Jana Parkes

Very beautiful and lovely, Carol! l/f/p

Carol Cavalaris replied:

Jana, thanks so much.

Carol Cavalaris

Carol Cavalaris

Thank you for your purchase, Collector from CA. :o) Carol

Andrew David Photography

Andrew David Photography

you are welcome Carol looking forward to seeing more from you too

Andrew David Photography

Andrew David Photography


Carol Cavalaris replied:

Andrew, thanks for the 'wow'.

Michele Avanti

Michele Avanti

Stunning beyond beautiful! lf

Carol Cavalaris replied:

Thanks so much for your very lovely comment, like and fav, Michele.

Carol Cavalaris

Carol Cavalaris

Thank you for your purchase, collector from FL. :o) Carol

Catherine Berryman

Catherine Berryman

Roses are my favorite flower. These are gorgeous. A true delight!

Carol Cavalaris replied:

I adore roses, too, Catherine. Thanks so much for your lovely comment.

Jerry Bokowski

Jerry Bokowski

Carol, The colors here are just beautiful....another outstanding work of art here! FAV Jerry

Carol Cavalaris replied:

So glad you like this, Jerry, and thanks so much for the fav.

Patricia Griffin Brett

Patricia Griffin Brett

What can I say? Beautiful doesn't even come close to describing this. Reminds me of the one I have of yours hanging in my studio ☺ V/F/P☺♥♥♥

Carol Cavalaris replied:

Thanks so much for your delightful comment, Patricia, as well as your vote, fav and pin.

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Raindrops On Lavender Roses by Carol Cavalaris
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